Sunday, October 17, 2010

Back in the Business...

One day in March we disappeared from this blog... It's been a long time. Too long. One day in October we've decided to be back.

Un jour en Mars dernier nous sommes partis de ce blog... Ca fait un bout de temps... Faut que ca change. Octobre. On revient.

From Random

Sunday, May 30, 2010

May is a month of Birthday

During the month of May, we've had steph's Birthday. Lots of our friends came to our Kings Cross appartment and we had nice cakes (thanks Clare for the cake from "La Renaissance" !!!) It was a nice "Tea Party". Here are a few photos.

En Mai c'etait l'anniversaire de Steph, plein de copains a l'appart de Kings Cross, des gateaux, du the... Une parfaite "Tea Party" ... Voila quelques photos.

Matt, Steph, Jb & Matt

Matt, JB, Yvonne & Edu

We are also taking a few more picture and sharing them with you. Not as fun as the other ones but still quiet nice...
Et puis aussi on se prend en photo, moins funky que le mois dernier mais quand meme sympa !!

Matt explique le Sydney French Theatre - Matt explains what Sydney French theatre is all about

Pic Nic in the Park...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April Tranquille

In April, we are having a calm beginning of fall. We recover from Steph's exhibition last month and we take silly pictures with the laptop's camera... Here's the result.

Au mois d'Avril, on est tranquille. On se remet de l'expo de Steph fin Mars. Et on fait des photos debiles avec la webcam de l'ordinateur... Voila le resultat.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Change of Pace - Changement de rythme

All right all right, unofficially the rhythm of article publication from this blog slowed down a bit lately... Officially now we can say it, with Uni and all the other things we are doing, it's time to put the sustainable actions thinghy on hold. Sorry about that, we'll keep sending news about us for friends and family but the rest asks for too mush of our time.
Sorry but see you soon still !

Bon alors pour le debut de notre annee scolaire on va se mettre un peu en veille quelques jours/semaines. On calme un peu le rythme (qui s'etait deja bien calme) du blog mais on va continuer a donner des nouvelles pour la famille et les amis. Par contre les actions, on continue a les faire sans forcement les lister sur le blog, pas assez de temps... On laisse quelques idees sur le cote si vous avez envie d'etre un peu plus "vert"
Desole et a bientot !

Sydney South Head